Introducing Dr. Angela Rivers-Harper, Ph.D

I am a Queen with or without a crown.

Name: Dr. Angela Rivers-Harper, Ph.D 

Family dynamics: Married, 1 daughter, grandson, 8 siblings.

Hobbies/Pastime: Spending time with my grandson,  shopping, watching reruns of Law and order,  First 48 and in the heat of the night.

Business/Talent? I own several small businesses and I have been in business for 9.5 years. I love helping people to get started on their entrepreneurial journey

Where are you from? Cincinnati Ohio 

What are you passionate about? Helping Women become successful in their business and in the workforce.

 Whats the driving force behind it? Me being a single mom and trying to make a better life for me and my daughter. When I was younger, I was homeless,  lost my job and I just continued to push myself.  I wanted to be a great example and role model for my daughter.

Whats your skill set?  I have an in depth knowledge of resources. I can direct people to a variety of things to assist them with the things they may need.

What set you apart from others of your same field? I love helping people. I love people unconditionally. 

Whats your purpose in life? To encourage,  enlighten and inspire everyone I meet along this journey we call life.

If you could choose any career in the world, would you still choose the career or talent you have? Yes, because I love what I do. I love helping others achieve and set goals to accomplish.  Its a great joy and warns my heart.

What would you tell your younger self? Keep your head up. You got this and God has YOU!

Knowing what you know now, would you change anything in your past? I would change the people who I thought were my friends and that loved me especially when I saw red flags. God gave us the gift of discerning in order to avoid those people and situations that would do more harm than good.

Who are your rolemodels? My grandmother, my mom and my daughter. They have had huge impacts in my life. My grandmother taught me the true definition of a Queen. My mom kept me grounded in my faith and my daughter believed in me and kept me going when I didn’t want to.

What would you say to those that are starting out in your field? You are in this moment because God saw it fit for you to be here. Don’t give up. P.U.S.H! You got this and God has YOU!

What is your favorite quote? Explain? I am a Queen with or without a crown-Dr. grandmother always told me that Queen always walks into a room and turn heads. Not because of how she looks or because of what she has on but because she is clothed in elegance and grace that no one can see…

If you could leave lasting impression, what would that look like? For someone to never forget what I have spoken into their life. You are your biggest competition.  Keep striving to become a better version of yourself.

Due to this months theme Dr. Angela Rivers-Harper was asked a few more questions:

1. October is Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Which or both have you been affected by? 

I was affected by Domestic Violence. I endured physical, mental, emotional, and financial abuse. 

I finally got the strength to walk away and never returned. 

2. Are you a Warrior or a Supporter of Domestic Violence and/ or Breast Cancer? Both. Warrior from Domestic violence and a Supporter for Breast Cancer Awareness. 

3. How has Domestic Violence and/or Breast Cancer Impacted your life? Being a survivor of  Domestic Violence and finally breaking away from that toxic relationship.

4. What are some things you now know that has brought you through that you can tell someone else that may endure what you have gone through? 

God will not give you more than you can bare. He will see you through. You have the strength to leave. Never stay longer than you have to.

5. How has the support of your family and friends help you to endure the fight? 

My friends supported me 100%. I kept it hidden from family and I was able to leave before anything serious happened.  My friends protected me in every aspect.

6. What are you doing to spread Awareness to others? I participate in a yearly walk and donate funds from several of my events to Domestic Violence Awareness. 

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