Its Wealth in Health: Meet CEO of Lana Allure Spa and Boutique LLC: Shulana Dunlap

Name: Shulana Dunlap 

Hobbies/Past Time: Reading anything medical to help advance my knowledge and making accessories for our Boutique 

Business/Talent: Body Contouring 

Where are you from? Washington DC 

Where is Spa located? Raleigh, NC

What are you passionate about? What’s the driving force behind it? I am passionate about all things medical because I love helping people 

What’s your skill set? I have the availability to access a client and formulate an individual regimen.

What sets you apart from others of your same field? My knowledge and number of years in Healthcare. I also tailor my clients appointment with things they like to make them feel more comfortable so they desire to come back. 

What’s your purpose in life? To give each person the best treatment possible. As well as leave something for my kids. 

If you could choose any career in the world, would you still choose the career or talent you have? My 1st love was to be a surgeon, but how medicine has changed I would say yes I was born to have this career as a owner of a wellness spa. 

What would you tell your younger self?  I would tell my younger self to work harder to accomplish goals sooner than later. 

 Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years? In the next 5 to 10 years I see myself with at least two full service spa locations. Where clients from all walks of life  an enjoy great wellness services.

What or who inspired your gift/vision? Dr. Washington started my passion in the medical field. She gave the nuturing push that truly made me who I am today. Because of her I have over 18 years of clinical background and 10 years being a educator.

Favorite Holiday: My favorite holiday is Christmas! I love decorating my home and all the deals.

If you could be an animal what would it be and why? If I could be any animal it would definitely been a panther. Just like the panther I have incredible vision when comes to business and I will hunt down the best way to achieve my goals.

FunFact about you: One fact about me is the beach is my happy place. 

Knowing what you would know, would you change anything in your past? No, I would not change anything because everything I experienced in life has gotten me to the level I am now. I’m truly grateful for that. 

Who are your role models? My role models are my husband John and my Mom. They both have shown me what preserverance looks like. John has shown me that running a business has its ups and down but the key is too keep going. My mom has shown that strength comes when you keep going while pushing for greatness. 

What would you say to those that are starting out in your field? I tell anyone starting out in this field is that you definitely have to have compassion for me and learn as much as you can. 

What is your favorite quote? Explain? “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud” ~Maya Angelou.This is my favorite quote because people need to see others happy and smiling. Life can be hard in itself so let’s fill it with some beautiful rainbows

If you could leave a lasting impression, what would it look like? My lasting impression would show that I worked hard to not let my past ruin my future. From there other people would believe that they can pull themselves out of any hardship or detrimental circumstance in life.

You can contact and Book an appointment by calling 919-800-7060

Social Media Handles:

Facebook: Lana Allure Spa & Boutique LLC

Instagram: Lana.Allure

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