“Crowns, Causes, and Community: Kayla Dreesen’s Journey in Pageantry and Advocacy”

Mrs. Tennessee American

Editor in Chief: Can you share with us your journey into the world of pageantry? What inspired you to become a pageant queen?

Kayla Dreesen: I was working in hair and makeup at the time and had the opportunity to do hair for Miss DC USA in 2017. Witnessing the winner of Miss DC go on to win Miss USA and seeing the impact these girls were making inspired me to try pageantry for myself.

Editor in Chief: What aspect of the pageant experience are you most excited about, and why?

Kayla Dreesen: The women I get to meet and the lifelong sisterhood that we create! Pageantry brings together women from all walks of life who are driven to serve and make a positive difference. Having such a supportive community is truly a gift from God.

Editor in Chief: How has participating in this pageant changed your perception of yourself and your abilities?

Kayla Dreesen: It has made me look inward, discover my true passions, and discern what God is calling me to do. Pageantry has shown me that I am capable of more than I ever imagined, and that God will always provide, even in the smallest ways.

Editor in Chief: Can you share any personal growth or life lessons you have gained through your involvement in pageantry?

Kayla Dreesen: Pageantry has taught me that it’s not a solitary journey; it’s a community effort. Having a strong support system is vital for success in life. Years where I competed alone didn’t yield great results, but with a supportive community, like this year, it’s been more fruitful and memorable.

Editor in Chief: What values or qualities do you believe are essential for a successful pageant queen, both on and off the stage?

Kayla Dreesen: Being vulnerable, relatable, and ready to serve others are essential qualities for a successful pageant queen. A great legacy is built by putting others first, fighting for those who can’t, and using the spotlight to shine on those you interact with.

Editor in Chief: Pageantry has often been criticized for perpetuating beauty standards and objectifying women. In your opinion, why is pageantry important despite these criticisms, and how can it empower women?

Kayla Dreesen: When done right, pageantry pushes women to serve, improve themselves, and develop life skills. It helps women in how they present themselves, their speaking abilities, overall health, and community connections to bring about positive change.

Editor in Chief: Pageantry provides a platform for contestants to voice their opinions and advocate for social issues. How can participating in pageants amplify a contestant’s voice, and why is it crucial to have such platforms in today’s society?

Kayla Dreesen: Having the title commands attention, and people are more willing to listen to your message. My title is allowing me to advocate for vocational programs in high schools and promote trade schools as a great alternative to college. It’s important to use these platforms to make a difference beyond ourselves.

Editor in Chief: What inspired you to choose your specific platform for the National Mrs. America pageant, and how does it personally resonate with you?

Kayla Dreesen: With 9.5 million trade/vocational jobs available and student loan debt at an all-time high, I understand firsthand how life-changing vocational jobs can be. As a licensed cosmetologist and former small business owner, I want to show kids that other options are available and can lead to a successful life.

Editor in Chief: What strategies do you have in mind to engage and mobilize others, including the pageant community and the general public, to support your platform and join your efforts?

Kayla Dreesen: I plan to speak in schools, meet with local and state representatives to promote vocational programs, and share educational information on social media. Additionally, I’ll encourage small acts of kindness through gift card drives for families with sick children and fundraise for organizations that help them.

Editor in Chief: Can you outline a potential event or project that you would organize or participate in during the first month as National Mrs. America to inspire and mobilize others?

Kayla Dreesen: If I win, I’d hit the ground running by speaking in schools about the benefits of trade jobs, collaborating with representatives to push for vocational schools, creating apprenticeship programs, participating in Special Olympics events, and organizing a gift card drive for families with sick children.

Editor in Chief: What personal experiences or moments in your life led you to discover your “why” – the driving force behind your involvement in pageantry and your platform?

Kayla Dreesen: My “why” was influenced by my husband, who encouraged our family to improve and serve others. Pageantry became a way for me to reach more people and make a positive impact. My husband and I want to work in family and marriage ministries, and this journey has been a learning and growing experience for both of us.

Editor in Chief: In what ways has pageantry enhanced your self-confidence, self-esteem, and ability to communicate effectively, both on and off the stage?

Kayla Dreesen: Pageantry forces you to look inward and discover your passions and goals, making you more confident and capable of effectively sharing your story and heart with judges and audiences. Being an expert on yourself instills confidence in both on and off-stage interactions.

Editor in Chief: How do you believe your experience in pageantry, including the National Mrs. America pageant, will continue to shape your life and contribute to your future goals and aspirations?

Kayla Dreesen: The women I’ve met through pageantry will be a supportive network in the future. We’ll help each other achieve our goals, inspire growth, and serve others. As a Christian, it’s crucial to have women around me who will encourage me to be better and follow the path that God has set for my family and me.

Editor in Chief: How would you inspire other women who may be hesitant or uncertain about stepping into pageantry to take that leap of faith and pursue their dreams?

Kayla Dreesen: To achieve anything in life and grow, you have to take chances, make mistakes, and embrace the journey, even if it gets messy at times. Pursuing your dreams requires taking that leap of faith and enjoying the journey along the way.

Editor in Chief: Beyond the external factors such as the crown and the title, what do you believe sets a queen apart and makes her an influential figure in society?

Kayla Dreesen: It’s her heart and ability to make others feel special, seen, and loved. A queen’s readiness to serve, even if it means not always being in the spotlight, sets her apart. I look up to Miss America Camille Schrier, who exemplifies these qualities.

Editor in Chief: What message would you convey to aspiring pageant contestants about the importance of prioritizing their personal growth, integrity, and character above any physical aspects or temporary titles?

Kayla Dreesen: Your inner growth and character will have a lasting impact beyond any physical appearance or temporary title. At the end of the day, it’s your heart and integrity that truly matter and what you’ll be judged on in life.

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