

In need of a Career Angel?

Struggling to find your “thing” or what you want to be when you grow up?  Meet Angel McAllister, a Ph.D. student studying urban education at IUPUI. She has been working in...

You are more than your pain

Have you ever thought of trying yoga for a workout, relaxation, or just a change of pace in your daily routine?  Seen those videos of super skinny, bendy people laying on...

Transformation Begins with You!

“I have a heart for people.  I love people!  I love to give and impact the lives of others. Plain and simple” By being authentic and relating to others, Cris...

Turning your pain into purpose

Imagine being ten years old and being diagnosed with kidney disease?  For Joy, this has been her reality. Chronic Kidney Disease has been challenging throughout life and at times has felt...